“In the shadow of no towers” – A letter from an editor

Mia Zanzucchi

The Sept. 11 tribute at ground zero.
Photo: Eric Thayer, AP

This special edition of Colt Nation was made at the request of those in charge of the student council. However, there is one very important event in American history that can’t  go unaddressed.

On Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, I went to kindergarten just like any normal day. I don’t remember what we did at school – probably colored, sang songs and learned our alphabet.

What I do remember is coming home that afternoon and seeing the second plane crash into the second World Trade Center. My 5-year-old mind couldn’t comprehend why that one clip was playing on a loop like that. Why was this so important? Clearly it was out of some thriller movie. The effects were pretty good, but that movie looked scary and I didn’t think I wanted to see it…

Except it wasn’t a movie. Life as Americans knew it was over. Our sense of security had vanished. Even at 5, I knew the country would never be the same.

My weeks after 9/11 can be remembered in a jumble of events never repeated before or since: “God Bless the USA” was sang almost on a loop in music class, we had an assembly and a special mass at my Catholic school, we prayed more. And above all else, the phrase “Never forget” became synonymous with the date Sept.11.

As I got older, more details emerged, either because the puzzle was just starting to get pieced together, or because I was finally old enough to digest the concept of foreign terrorists killing thousands of innocent men, woman and even children.

But in getting older, 9/11 seemed to slip through the cracks. Yes, Discovery still shows the honorary documentaries every year, yes there are Facebook groups, and yes, there are still candle light vigils and memorial services, but how genuine are these actions? What percent is out of obligation and not remembrance?

This isn’t some bald eagle, ‘Murica meme in written form. But it seems like Sept. 11 is slipping form the minds and hearts of our country.

I remember having assemblies when I was younger. I remember taking a day out of our regular curriculum to reflect on that day. But I don’t remember anything of significance regarding 9/11 last year.

Was September 11 something we as Americans, raised to believe our country was build on greatness and still holds true to that glorious standard, choose to repress? Are we too busy worrying that the so-called “Truthers” are right and that 9/11 was a government conspiracy? Do we feel unaffected since we live in Kentucky and not New York City? Do we even care anymore? Or are we simply getting lazy?

Just take a moment – it doesn’t even have to be on September 11 – to remember the lost and those who lost on that day.

Coffee collateral

Cale Canter

Last fall, a revolutionary idea was conceived by former class president Ashley Brunty: there shall be a place in which students can purchase and enjoy beverages considered luxuries inside the walls of West Jessamine. The concept was one of admiration by current senior Mia Zanzucchi.

“Basically [Student Council] presented the idea, came up with a schedule, and I think [Mr.] Blake presented it to the board,” Zanzucchi said. “We were approved, given a start up of like $200, and ended up with a $200 profit.”

On any given Thursday, Daniel Sherfey could be seen behind the register, taking orders with precision and a smile. “The Colts Coffee Corner” was warmly received among students, providing fellow classmates with access to a range of goods extending from coffee to Yoo-Hoos and candy.

“I liked the coffee corner because it allowed me to get refreshments in the morning when I didn’t have enough time at home,” said senior Logan Conley. “I also liked that the coffee cart allowed students to get drinks when the vending machines were closed.”

“It is good. I like it,” student Aaron Schlenther commented.

Other students, such as senior Abbey Bowe, were not so eloquent in their praises: “I was never up early enough to go. They didn’t have Diet Coke.” As I thanked her for the interview, she retorted, “They didn’t have Ryan Gosling either.

After talking with students throughout the past couple weeks, it is evident that the majority would like to see The Colts Coffee Corner return for the 2013-2014 school year. We at colt nation hope for equal success stories for candidates in the upcoming class elections. If you’re not running, be sure to vote. For those who are, we wish you godspeed as you embark upon the campaign trail. Until next issue, stay classy Nicholasville.

Mr. Blake’s take

Josh Preston

With student council elections drawing closer and closer, attention is focused on those running for office. However, student council wouldn’t exist without its sponsor, second year English teacher Mr. Blake.

“It’s [the student council] is the link between the student body, the community and the administration.  They have the power to do a lot of good things for the student body and the community alike,” Mr. Blake said.

“Last year, one of the initiatives that the student council took was the ‘Colt’s Coffee Corner’, which was a great way to not only raise money, but to provide a service to the student body.  We also brought back the Pledge of Allegiance,” Mr. Blake stated.  “I am excited to see what rising leaders in the school this year will do with the student council this year: how they’ll give back to the community, how they’ll give back to the student body.”

Student council elections are set for Monday, September 16. All that’s left is for you to decide who will represent you the best.

“Everything is set to take off,” Mr. Blake said.

An in-depth analysis of Urban Dictionary and its applications to student council

Mia Zanzucchi

If there are two things you need to know about me, it’s that Urban Dictionary is my bible (the app is right next to my beloved actual dictionary app – what am I doing with my life?) and I was the junior class veep (vice-president) last year. In a generous move, I am sharing an in-depth analysis of several important Urban Dictionary definitions and connecting them back to our student council.

Urban Dictionary Says:
Student Council –
a group of students who like to waste schools/students money on silly things. ( turtles, ipods, sand, buttons, and plastic forks..)
President – a person that lies
Vice-President – a backup president, someone who often takes care of things the president does not want to do; the one who gets blamed for everything the president does wrong.
Recorder – A wooden instrument invented in the Renaissance, which came to its height of popularity in the Baroque period.
Member at Large – member at large isn’t defined yet (Author’s note: brb eating some ice cream and listening to Adele)

Student Council –
Basically we did that, except by “waste,” we made a profit of $200 and by “silly things,” we bought you coffee, Yoohoo (not Yahoo. We’re not that wealthy, sorry) and Arnold Palmers. Sorry for party rocking, guys.
President –At the student level, council is an open book (except if snacks are involved, in which case you are not invited.) Duties include, but are not limited to: overseeing community service activities, graduation, senior field day, baccalaureate and class reunions for seniors; community service and prom for juniors; and community service for sophomores and freshmen.
Vice-President – Yes, it’s true: as junior veep, I did ALL THE WORK. I’m kidding. I don’t know what it’s like at the national level, seeing as I’m 17. But student council shares the good, the bad and the ugly (and the Colts Coffee Corner shifts.) The only fingers we point are foam fingers at pep rallies and sporting events (if we had any…) The veep helps the pres out and would be the one to replace him/her if they were to resign.
Recorder – Nope. Finally, the mighty Urban Dictionary was wrong, which is really upsetting to me. But anyways, the recorder keeps the minutes and takes notes during meetings and takes care of all written things student council may need.
Member at Large – basically the members at large are too awesome for UD. Members at large are basically just these super cool people who do whatever needs to be done. And they do it with a smile.

A principal’s perspective

Bradley Phelps

With student council elections coming up, West‘s head principal Mr. Cox had a few words to say regarding the subject in a recent interview. Having spent 14 years as principal of Tates Creek High School, he has had plenty of experience working with students, and is looking forward to spending the year with the best student leaders that West has to offer.

This particular school year offers some challenges though, the most obvious being the change in administrative staff. This will probably lead to past student council tendencies not being heavily relied on as a model. Mr. Cox hopes to use that for the good of the student body though, stating that he anticipates being able to “learn as we go” and to “set a new tone for the direction of student involvement.”

He already has a few specific changes in mind, the most noticeable being student council members taking responsibility for morning and afternoon announcements.

Another subject of change is school spirit. This is something that Cox had come to expect from his Tates Creek council, and West’s council members are expected to be much more involved in promoting school pride among the student body. Cox said that this is one of the most important roles of the student council.

Expanding his perspective to the school as a whole, Cox has come in with a goal of “openness.” He expressed a feeling that in past years, our school hasn’t been as open as it should be, both to parents and students. He hopes that over the course of this year, we can create a more accessible tone at West, one where parents can feel much more comfortable talking with teachers and administrators, students feel welcomed in the building, and the general proceedings at West are more known to both students and the public.

Mr. Cox described high school as “an exciting, unique four years” and “a critical growth period,” and the student council will certainly play a role in this, possibly a larger one than would be expected.

A productive prospect

Joe Bandy

With the upcoming student council election, some of you may be wondering how much, if at all, the student council affects you and your peers. It’s easy to think they’re just the people who took the time to write a speech and were the most attractive, nicest, popular, and in some cases, gave out the most candy.

But in all reality, last year was a very productive year for the student council. With the institution of things like the “Colts Coffee Corner” (which will be returning this year) and the return of things like our weekly Pledge of Allegiance and, best of all, the delicious $0.25 chocolate chip cookies returned to our menus and stomachs.

Maddie Vermillion was the junior class treasurer last year, and I interviewed her to see what she thought of last year’s student council.

Vermillion said she decided to run for treasurer last year for two reasons: “one, so that I could improve my resume for college, and two, so that I could represent the junior class as treasurer, a role that is rarely filled.”

She stated that running was worth it and went on to say that she, “learned a lot about financial leadership and I also got to see how even students can get their ideas heard and accomplished if they put their minds to it.”

Which brings me back to my main point; does student council actually do anything in their meetings?

Vermilion responded with a very confident yes and said, “The student senate meetings were definitely productive. It was nice because everyone, no matter in what position, had his or her ideas heard. I really got to see the amount of ambition that lies within the students at our school. We were actually able to get a few new projects started, such as the “Colt’s Coffee Corner” and the return of the Pledge of Allegiance on Mondays, which is awesome considering that it’s a group of students really thinking of ways to improve their school – something that your rarely see.”

All this to say, our student council does get stuff done and you can see they have potential to do even more this year. The only thing you have to do is vote for the person who you think will do just that.